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Girl's Star Wars 3rd Birthday

Lilly Turns C 3 PO
Our Star Wars loving daughter wanted to celebrate her third birthday in Star Wars style!  What better theme for a three-year-old birthday, than a C3PO one! 

Our color scheme was pink, teal, and of course an accent of gold!  

C3PO and his pal R2D2 helped welcome the guests. We got this cut out the beloved characters from

Look closely at that Star Wars themed garland in such sweet colors!

 We were sure to include photos of the birthday girl living her best Star Wars fan life since birth, all over the party. The photos doubled as a great decoration.

The Focal Wall was one of my favorites. This inflatable Millenium Falcon (which is actually a pool raft) was so much fun! I added her name with gold inflatable letter balloons.

The cake! Such a sweet and yummy cake as well! Decked out in the party colors and topped with the man himself, C3PO.

Her party was down a long walkway. We decided to line the walkway with scrolling signs, much like the intro to each Star Wars film. Of course, we ended the signs by announcing this is Lilly's Episode 3 (for her third birthday).

A Long Time Ago (Well, Just About Three Years Ago...)

 ....In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away (Maybe Not Really That Far Away)

Episode III, Happy Birthday Lilly

Games and Activities 

It was a lovely day which we took full advantage of and made our own Jedi Training course! We attached balloons to balloon sticks and gave guests shortened pool noodles to hit every balloon. This was a guest, and birthday girl, favorite. 

Dress by Malia & Kai 
Shoes: Gap Kids

At their leisure, guests had the opportunity to make paper puppets of a variety of characters. 

Pin Sabar on the Vadar!
Classic Party game with a twist. The kids had a blast with this one!

The Favors that also doubled as a game! I bought bubble wands at the end of the season and spray painted the handles to look like Light Sabars! 

 The Food

 Happy Birthday Sweet Lilly (Lilly3PO)!


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